When we click on someone's name or picture on orkut to see his/her profile, we find that some very important information related to that person are shown below his/her picture...1.) Name 2.) Gender 3.) City 4.) Country and there is one more 5.) relationship status. Now consider that Orkut and sites like this are called social networking sites. So Orkut thinks that these five things are most important(that's why they have been highlighted below your picture) to know by someone about you when you are going to make contact with someone online.
Now keeping in mind that Orkut is a social networking site, lets think about these five most important(as Orkut thinks) bits of information. I suppose we all agree that name is really most important thing about any person to be known by others who are socially active even in the least possible degree. So I think the place of name below the profile pic is justified. Even then I don't understand why people write some fancy names and leave others in a mental state where they struggle hard and use all online resources to figure out about the identity of the person.
Now if we consider the city and country, we can say that their place is also justified because we all want to know about the place of the person with whom we are making contact online. After that comes the Gender of the concerned person. I think it's very natural for us to have curiosity about the gender as we will decide our way of communication in that way. As we Indians try to use a very formal language with females, it helps. With this it also helps us in deciding the way we put our PJs during chats.
I think out of those five highlighted things, I have been able to justify the place of four. But what surprises me is the presence of relationship status. Why is that needed there? There can be many other important information that can be highlighted, like profession. But why Relationship Status?
Everyone can explain this in their own way. I will not impose my explanation to you. But put your explanation in comments. I think it will be interesting to see how it is explained by junta....
its for those who believe in philosophy 'single ready to mingle'..njoi :)
Yeah.....true....it means it makes single to mingle...
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