Friday, May 1, 2009

Whoever may be the ruler, I lose nothing thereby....

The great show of the great Indian democracy is on. Every one is waiting for the conclusion. Every one is curious about the end. Will it be a happy ending or a tragic ending ?As we know the three scenes are done and all of us are waiting for 16th May, when finally this play will come to an end and the mystery of 15th Loksabha will be solved.
At the same time another drama is going on in South Africa by the name of Indian Premier League. There was a time when South Africa used to remind us about Mahatma Gandhi, but in this summer it is being remembered as the country where IPL is being held as the first play took the stage because of security reasons. Most of us are watching this play live on our television set. The mystery of this drama, will be solved on 24th at 8038.34 kms away from Delhi in Johannesburg.

Now consider the situation in India....these two plays are keeping the whole Indian public, in terms of Indian politicians, AAM ADAMI (common-man) busy. Everyone is reading,discussing, short is trying to solve the mysteries. But we all know mysteries can't be solved like this. The ends will show us who have won and who is going to get the titles.
Consider, if we ask someone, in these two plays which is more important? Which needs more importance and thought than the other? Most of us think that the answer should be elections.

But something surprises me. Although most of us will answer for election but I am not seeing the same in reality. In my campus I am surprised to see the situation. I am a seeing everyone, talking about IPL and analyzing each and every part of the game. But election, I don't think anyone is even bothered to think about that. For them it's a dirty Indian politics from which they should be as far as they can. They can curse Arjun Singh for his new-new methods to destroy education system but when it comes to election, they are not going to even think, who is going to win.
I remember a line from Ramcharitmanas 'कोऊ नृप होऊ हमहीं का हानी, चेरि छाडी अब होब की रानी. (Whoever may be the ruler, I lose nothing thereby; for shall I cease to be servant and become a queen now?)'. It was said by Manthara to Kaikayi when she was persuading for exile of Rama. Now the same line I think is being said by most of intellectual janta in the country. I would say as this line cuased the suffering for whole Ayodhya, I think if this attitude our intellectual Junta continues, our democracy and democratic systems are going to fall and no one will be able to save them.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Real Challenge Comes Now...

I don't need to tell about Rohit Kumar's death and what happened after that. We all know what happened and how it happened. It's one of most unfortunate incident that I have ever seen in my life and and whatever followed after that, I hadn't expected that from both the students and authorities. I am not asking that the reaction and actions taken just after Rohit's death were not justified but I would say whatever has happened at director's house was completely wrong and some students were acting without thinking. But that is a matter of discussion and everyone has his own thoughts,opinions.
But now when so many things have taken of our friend is not in this world,director has resigned(although his resignation has not been accepted till now),DOSA has resigned and there is a series of meetings going on on both sides..authority and students, I would say that in all these things we should not forget our objectives.

I will quote what a faculty member said in a class-
"Rohit's death was a very sad incident and whatever has happened after that should not have happened. After this we are targeting B.C.Roy hospital, but it is not the only thing in which something wrong is going on. As this time something big has happened that's why we got to know about this B.C.Roy Hospital. So whatever has happened was really sad and this type of thing should not happen in future. But this incident should lead to some constructive and reformative steps. Students should not use their energy only toward BCRoy. Now time has come to make a proper plan,identify and solve all the problems otherwise something worse will happen in future and we will be in same situation."

I think whatever he has said is correct word by word. Now the real challenge is to channelize the student energy towards the solution of problems.

We should not forget that last year during NSS camp Anshu Gupta had died in similar condition. At that time also many promises were done but we all know what happened. What was done that authorities ordered all 1st year students to submit a medical form in which all the tests had cost around Rs.10000. I don't think even after that a proper data base has been made and even if it has been made seeing the functioning of system,I don't think it would be used at proper time. So at this time our main focus should be solutions ,proper & sustainable solutions.
Although this time the situation is not the same and everyone in campus is taking interest in the happenings following the incident.And also at authority level many decisions have been taken and I think they are more serious than they ever had been.(Seeing this I am even astonished at the fact that such reaction/matters didn't come earlier. We immediately forgot about Anshu's death. I don't know why student representatives didn't take that matter like this. If they would have taken that matter seriously and had the proper steps taken, we could have been able to save Rohit's life. )

I hope that we would not forget this incident in same manner like Anshu's death. No matter what happens we would do each and everything possible so that Rohit's death doesn't go in vain.