Monday, December 15, 2008

We are different.......????

Evey creature on this planet has the origin from the same superpower....that is, for some people GOD, for some the nature, for some the universal processes.I don't want to comment on anyone's faith. But no one will deny that we all, have the same source of origin. Then a simple but I think a big question arises what is, that makes us different from other creatures on this earth.

I think this question is the basis of all the philosophies about human life. And I am not the first or the only one thinking on this question.From the very early days of existence our ancestors have been thinking on this subject.And at present also....there are many people who are thinking on the same. But as it is very rare to have same face for two persons, it is also very difficult to have the same thoughts on a topic for two different persons.That's why every one explain a topic according to his own views. And I think this non matching of thoughts is a great thing because this fills our thinking tank with variety of ideas which is the very essential for the development of human being.

Once one of my friend said that if the problem is same then the solutions will be same.Then what is the point to have different thinking. Ultimately we will reach on the same point. But..... what you think..... Is this right??? I tell you what I answered..... I said that even before Newton the apple used to fall downward not upward. But no one paid the attention to this.They thought that its a natural phenomenon. No one before Newton thought that instead of falling downward why the apple didn't go upward. It was the Newton who thought. It was the Newton who on the very simple thing, that is for people was of no importance, thought and give a new idea that shocked the world, that changed the ideas about the universe of whole world. That's why I think that that everyone's idea is very important and this the difference in the thinking which has made entire human race so developed.

Now let's go to the topic for which I have written this article. Any where in the world when discussion about the difference between humans and other living creatures has been started we have got so many points that I cann't mention all those in my article. And also I think that I have written this to express my thoughts not to tell that this & that has been thought by this or that.

We humans are very much proud of our greatness on other creatures.....but have we ever thought what this greatness is and how it has been achieved??? I think most of us never care about this topic. We just remember what we see around us......without knowing the fact behind it.
It is not the matter of this subject only......this...not knowing the fact behind things has become our habit. So I think we should see things around us in depth so that we can understand the real meaning behind them.

Now.....what is the real difference between humans and other creatures?? Is this the feeling, structural difference,wisdom.or something other??? I think we are different not because of wisdom,feeling..or any similar thing. We are differnt from others because we want to progress which other creatures don't want.Its the progress that has made us so much different from others.

But one thing I want to add that this progress should not be blinded one.We should take care that the progress doesn't cross the limit .Otherwise ther will no reason on this planet to make us different.

Do We Know.....???

All of us want to be successful. But question is that if we know what is success. Do we know what we have to do? I remember audition of a TV series in which the judges were asking what do you want to be in life. Most of the participants answered that I want to do something big but they failed to describe what big thing,they want to do and how they are going to achieve this big thing. That's the way this is with most people. Actually we don't know what we want to do and what we have to do.

One day one of my senior said me-"Do you know why we feel so much pressure here(it means IIT KGP)?". I really couldn't answer. Then he said simply that problem is in us. Actually we don't know what we want from our future.So we believe simply on what other people say & do what other people do and finally at a point in life we regret that we have chosen wrong path. If anyone knows from the very 1st year(he means the 1st yr of one's academic life in KGP) that what he has to do then he will never feel pressure because then he will be knowing what he has to do & what not. He said that I am still confused what I have to do so I try here every thing.

I think what he said in perspective of our life at KGP, is also true in general. I think in place of just thinking to be successful we should think what we can do and what we should do. Only then we will be able to understand what is success.Only then we can decide our path to success. Otherwise we will just wander here and there and will copy others in search of success. And finally in which we will just get an unsuccessful life.All of us want to be successful. But question is that if we know what is success. Do we know what we have to do? I remember audition of a TV series in which the judges were asking what do you want to be in life. Most of the participants answered that I want to do something big but they failed to describe what big thing,they want to do and how they are going to achieve this big thing. That's the way this is with most people. Actually we don't know what we want to do and what we have to do.

One day one of my senior said me-"Do you know why we feel so much pressure here(it means IIT KGP)?". I really couldn't answer. Then he said simply that problem is in us. Actually we don't know what we want from our future.So we believe simply on what other people say & do what other people do and finally at a point in life we regret that we have chosen wrong path. If anyone knows from the very 1st year(he means the 1st yr of one's academic life in KGP) that what he has to do then he will never feel pressure because then he will be knowing what he has to do & what not. He said that I am still confused what I have to do so I try here every thing.

I think what he said in perspective of our life at KGP, is also true in general. I think in place of just thinking to be successful we should think what we can do and what we should do. Only then we will be able to understand what is success.Only then we can decide our path to success. Otherwise we will just wander here and there and will copy others in search of success. And finally in which we will just get an unsuccessful life.


One day my teacher, VIKAS Sir, asked me-" Ashutosh! Do you want to be someone special ? Someone different from others." At first I couldn't understand. Why is he asking this? I replied affirmatively. I said-"Yes, I want to do something big in my life but not like Osama or Bush." You know...what he said after that??
What he said, really surprised me. I couldn't answer further. But what he said was really amazing and a real truth. He said to me when you say that you want to be special or extraordinary then actually you are insulting others by saying them ordinary or not special which is not fair. Actually when someone try to differentiate himself/ herself from others then actually his total life goes in this process of differentiation and ultimately he never get satisfaction. He/She never find himself/ herself different and so his complete life goes in unrest. He further said that in life our development happens so gradually that we never notice any change in ourselves unless we sit and think about our lives 10-20 years before. And this satisfaction also, lasts after few minutes of thinking. So he said that we should try to do things in best manner we can but not for being extraordinary. He said as two electron cannot be in same state, similarly two persons are always different.
When I had answered his question I didn't mean that from being special. I simply meant that I wanted to do best that I could do. I have found that many people don't utilize the opportunities ahead them. In my life I have done this many times but I want to stop that. I have thought of a life for myself and I want to use all my strength and available opportunities to get that. Really I don't want to be special. I just want to be able to do what I think to do. But I think what he understood about me, was wrong at least at present but his every word, he said after that was right. I think it was possible that in future I might have tried to differentiate myself from others, but now everything is clear to me. Thank You........Vikas Sir.